Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The business of selling

If you ever tried selling anything you would have discovered that it takes skills to succeed in this very competitive field.

I was lucky to be present in a lecture that was given by a seasoned sales manager, she said that it takes a lot of P's to make it in sales. Pain, Perseverance, Persistence, Projection, Position, Power, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

Pain, because you will definitely experience pain when people don't buy from you, or from a lost sale.

We all know that it takes Perseverance and Persistence to be able to sell and make selling work for.

The right Projection is also needed in order to Position what you're selling in front of your buyers.

You also need the will Power to continue what you are doing, and of course the right Product with the right Price at the right Place will reward your Promotion efforts.

If you can find the right combination to all the P's of Selling you definitely make it in Sales.

Watch out for more articles about business in my next posts.

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