Monday, December 11, 2006

Blogging for profit and for fun

Blogging for profit and for fun
Blogging For Fun Is Quick Way To Profit   by Melvin Ng
The best reason by far that someone can have for blogging is to blog for fun. Most of us get so caught up in the business aspect, trying to make money, find a niche, reach our audience, participate enough in the blogs of others that we forget that this is actually a creative outlet, or at least it can be. I often wonder if those that are doing this for fun, and having fun while doing it are not the more successful bloggers even if they never earn a penny for their efforts.

If you really are looking to have fun through your blog there are many social blogging networks that are a great place to go, hang out, blog, meet new people, and have a great time while you're at it. Whether you realize it or not, you'll be much more likely to post on a regular basis without feeling forced or compelled than those trying to make money for their efforts. Particularly those people who are writing about niche topics for which they feel no passion.

The number one thing that most people blogging for fun have going for them is that they typically love the topics about which they blog. Whether your topic is knitting, football, fantasy football, or other fantasies, if you enjoy the topic you'll be much more likely to give it your all and your enthusiasm will generally be contagious. Blogging for fun is the one thing that most people whom blog for money forget. Unfortunately, their readers can more often than not tell that they aren't having fun and will eventually stop reading.

By having fun with your blog you do not feel the need to post, you feel the desire to post. Once, twice, three times a day. Whether you realize it or not, having fun is one of the greatest ways to make money with your blog. Seriously. In order to keep your blog fresh, new, and competitive, many pros recommend that you post at least 3 times a day. Most business bloggers feel forced to blog once a day while most bloggers who are in it for fun post three times a day without even realizing it. They are having fun making the posts and look forward to the next one. This keeps fresh content and ideas coming, it keeps your page near the top of the blog heap each day for searches, and it will give you more page views than those who post sporadically or even only once a day.

You can blog for fun and still hope to earn a profit. That is actually the best way to go. Just remember that when you're blogging, your primary goal is to have fun, while providing a good time to your reader. No matter if you are seeking to educate, entertain, or both you should make the process as much fun for your readers as it is for you. If nothing else this should keep the pennies pouring in and after a while they may become nickels and dimes.


For more info on blogs and blogging, please visit our website. Blogs And Blogging

Blogging for profit and for fun...
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