Thursday, July 16, 2009


Tiny URL it

I have used tinyURL in the past and I am still using it to convert long URLs to short ones,it's a very useful online tool and I recommend you use it too. You could directly go to their site by typing in on the address bar from now on I will be keeping track of all the long URLs that I converted on tinyurl this way I could easily go back or use the converted URLs when I need to.

The good thing about TINYURL is that you can customize the address, you simply type the address you would like use click the submit button or "Make Tiny URL" button and you will instantly have your long URL converted to a short URL you like.

Another benefit is that you could hide your affiliate links. You've heard about affiliate links being stolen or replaced by hackers, now you can easily convert your precious money making affiliate links to a shorter, safer link.

Lastly according to the creators of TINYURL the links will not expire it will be there forever try out the links that I converted and you will see that it's been there for a while.

Here are the URLs that I have converted:

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