If you are learning a new language blog about it.
This way you could track your progress
This way you could track your progress
and your proficiency.
Here are some words I've learned today
I just want to share them with you.
I just want to share them with you.
Masculine Words
-el chico = boy
-el jardin = garden
-el libro = book
-el milendo = fear
Femine Words
-la chica = girl
-la universidad = university
-la revista = magazine
-la libertad = liberty
http://getpaidtoblog.tk = get paid to blog
http://freearticlesblog.tk = free articles
http://hotelclubs.tk = hotel clubs
http://medicalalarms.tk = medical alarms
http://olliestyle.co.nr = ollie style
http://olliestyleradioshow.tk = ollie style radio show
http://freearticles.tk = free articles
http://pinoypodcaster.tk= pinoy podcaster
http://noypiscandals.tk = pinoy scandals
http://callcenterjob.tk = call center jobs
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