Monday, April 21, 2008

Not everyone can be a Blogger

Written by: Ollie Style

Not everyone can be a Blogger

I can not force you start your own blog simply because you could earn from it, blogging is a continuing process, it needs your attention each day, each week, or each month. You can not just start a blog and leave it alone to make money. It needs to be nurtured and cared for by posting regularly, aside from posting religiously your blog entries also need to be either entertaining or informative otherwise you will not have readers and you won't be able to maximize your earnings from the internet.

So if you can not dedicate a certain amount of time to your blog each day or each week or even each month it's better not to start blogging at all because you will just be contributing to the growing number of blogs in the blogoshere that has no current content for months, sometimes even years.

If you start blogging today make it a point to make every entry count otherwise don't blog at all.


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