This kind of thing is fine if the security guards are polite and courteous, but in some cases some security guards are so rude that you wouldn’t want to go back to the mall anymore. I remember being frisked and being asked to remove my shades in one of the malls in Mandaluyong city “The S Mall”, until this day I’m not sure why the security guard would not let me in unless I remove my sunglasses. I remember being rudely asked to take off my shades, “Hey take off your shades!!!” the security officer shouted at my face in a very rude tone. When I asked why? The guard said nothing. I had no choice but to take off my shades in order to get in. I can’t believe it, I had to take off my shades in order to enter their mall.
I don’t believe that customers should be frisked or asked to remove their sunglasses when entering the mall. I bet mall administrators would reason out and say it’s for everyone else’s protection. But this kind of thing benefits the mall owners first, and then their customers second. The malls are protecting their property and investment at the expense of the convenience of the clients shopping convenience.
If memory serves me right this kind of strict security scrutiny started way back in the early 2000s right after the Rizal Day Bombing. After that incident the malls all over Metro Manila and the nearby provinces implemented their “No Inspection No Entry Policy.”
The mall owners would definitely not invest in sophisticated security devices like the ones in airports for the convenience of the customers, they probably won’t dare spend any amount for the seamless security of their malls, they’d rather hire rude security guards who harasses their valuable clients.
This in my opinion is very bad for business.
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