Save money
Most millionaires specially the ones who build their riches from scratch sets aside a certain percentage of money for investments or simply for retirement.
Clear goal
Successful people usually write down their goals, and the time and date they want to accomplish those goals. If your mind is not clearly set towards the realization of your goals you will easily get off track. So in order for you to have a clear vision of your goal you have to write it down.
Staying late at night to finish the manuscript of the book you are writing, or doing 50 extra calls a day to invite clients to your sales presentation to boost your sales is a clear indication of sacrifice. So if you need to sacrifice something in order to reach your goal do it. If it’s not ethical and if it’s going to hurt someone it’s not worth the sacrifice, just keep your conscience meter always on and you will be sure that you are making your sacrifice worthwhile.
Wanting it bad enough
If you want something bad enough you will do anything in your power to accomplish whatever it is that you want. Most millionaires wanted to earn money and accumulate wealth more than anything that's why they reached their goals. So you have to want to earn and make your first million bad enough to make it happen.
Sure investment
Millionaires like investing and taking calculated risks, they weight things first and then they plunge into it giving it a certain amount of investment to make it work and become profitable. We as non millionaires should copy this kind of attitude toward investing.
Your own product/service
You should have your own product or service to offer to the general public if you want to become a top earner, if you don't have anything to sell or a service to offer it's going to be difficult to make your first million. So start developing a product or service that will make you money.
Multiple income
Rich people create multiple income streams to assure that they get a large portion of the over all market. So if you will start a soap business don’t just be contended with body soap, also manufacture liquid hand soaps, dish washing soap, detergent, and shampoo. Diversify your products or services in order to make more money
Power of leveraging
If you can make people participate in your money making business by giving them commissions you are on your way to making a lot of money. Adbrite, Bidvertiser, and other adnetwork programs on the internet are leveraging other peoples website or blogs. If you could find a product or a service where you could ask people to work for you in exchange for something valuable then you are on your way to becoming a financial giant.
Find out what you are passionate about and build your business around it, it may be about gardening, computers, photography or writing. Find out how you could make money with it. Once you find out what you are passionate about you will not have any difficulty starting making money, and you will someday earn your first million.
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