Sunday, April 6, 2008

Google's Ten Things

Written by: Ollie Style
Google's Ten Things

These are 10 things that has on their corporate page, It's good to know them specially if you are trying to have your site listed on their search engine.

1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.

This philosophy where the user comes first before anything else is probably one of the most effective ways of doing business. If you see Google's page, it doesn't have any ads on it unlike other famous search engines.

They think of the user's primary concern, which is searching for something on the internet. That's why they made their landing page really simple.

2. It's best to do one thing really, really well.

Yes Google has proven to be the best search engine for a lot of people. That's why they are making a lot of money out of it. [Adsense and Adwords]

3. Fast is better than slow.

You never have to wait for the Google landing page to load unlike other search engines, and if you type in a particular keyword you will get it in less than a second. I tried searching for "Ollie Style" and this is the result:

Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 456,000 for ollie style. (0.19 seconds)

4. Democracy on the web works.

Google looks into the links that each website gets so the more links that your site gets the more it shows up on the Google searches. It really relies on people or the internet users, because the more people link to your site the more visitors you get.

5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.

This made me think, maybe I should start learning how to put this blog on mobile devices because a lot people are in to cellphones and mobile gadgets now, I'll start researching about it, maybe you should too.

6. You can make money without doing evil.

Some people are selling their links or Page Ranks, and Google doesn't want it. If you get caught doing it your ranking will fall. I even read people getting zero search results for the their website because they are selling their PRs. Come to think of it, let me check my page ranking. There you go, I'm on number 4.

My ranking on Google Search fluctuates but "Ollie Style" is still on the first few pages.

7. There's always more information out there.

Google is continually upgrading their search engine and their other services, if you've noticed they are adding more services all the time. The latest one that I saw was the ability to post blog entries at a latter date on Blogger. [If in case you don't know, was acquired by Google. ]

8. The need for information crosses all borders.

That's why Google has offices and volunteers around the world, they also have dozens of websites, and they have a translation feature in order to reach more people. I wonder when they will have an office in the Philippines, or they already have one - educate me please...

9. You can be serious without a suit.

Their employees are happy employees, I haven't heard of any strike at the Google Head Quarters.[if ever their is going to be one it will definitely be BIG News] They have playrooms for the kids of their employees, and office tables that have all sorts of toys [you probably could bring your things/ toys at work...] Employees are not required to wear corporate clothing.

I wonder if I could pass their interview and strict hiring process, hhmmm.

10. Great just isn't good enough.

Yes I believe they are really pushing their company and their services to the limit. I've been using Gmail since 2004 and I never had any problems with it yet, it has tremendous capacity and most of all it's totally free. Hotmail or Yahoo can not beat that, and no one since 2004 has come close to that kind of email power. I guess that's why I am a die hard Gmail fan.

That's Google's Ten Things, I hope you learned something.


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